
Bluegrass Distillers

Bluegrass Distillers is a craft distillery in the heart of the Kentucky Bluegrass; where fast horses are bred and the best whiskey is made. Central Kentucky is known as the "heart of bourbon" and our hearts are poured into every batch.

Bluegrass Distillers is located in Lexington, KY. Their parent company is Bluegrass Distillers LLC. The distillery website address is https://www.bluegrassdistillers.com/


501 W Sixth St Ste 165
Lexington, KY 40508-0000-0000

Bluegrass Distillers Bourbons and Whiskeys

Bluegrass Bottled-In-Bond Bourbon Blue Corn
Bluegrass Distillers Kentucky Straight Blue Corn Bourbon Whiskey
Bluegrass Distillers Kentucky Straight High Rye Bourbon Whiskey
Bluegrass Distillers Santa's Helper Cinnamon
Bluegrass Distillers Toasted Oak Bourbon (Limited Edition)
Bluegrass Distillers Wheated Bottled-in-Bond Bourbon
Bluegrass Distillers Wheated Bourbon Whiskey
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Are Glencairns the Best Glasses for Drinking Bourbon?

Glencairn glasses are generally considered to be some of the best glasses for drinking bourbon. They are specifically designed to enhance the aroma and flavor of whisky, allowing the drinker to fu...Read More

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Bulleit Bourbon Single Barrel, What a Pleasant Surprise!

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