
Bluff Springs

Bluff Springs Bourbons and Whiskeys

Bluff Springs Kentucky Straight Bourbon
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Is Selling Bourbon Illegal? No, But...

Deep within the catacombs of social network bourbon groups and the recesses of secondary bourbon markets, you will find individuals who are attempting to sell individual bottles of hard-to-find bourbo...Read More

You Should Not Put Bourbon in a Freezer. This is Why Cold Whiskey is Bad!

#mytable table, th, td { border-collapse: collapse; } #mytable th, td { padding: 2px; } Some bourbon drinkers are adamant about putting their whiskey in a freezer because they enjoy drin...Read More

1792 Sweet Wheat Brief Review

1792 Sweet Wheat was a very difficult find here in the state of Georgia. Once I found it, I paid more than I should have. That expenditure is a little disappointing because Sweet Wheat definitely does...Read More