
Clear Springs Distilling

Clear Springs Distilling is located in Louisville, KY. Their parent company is Buffalo Trace / Sazerac Company.

Clear Springs Distilling Bourbons and Whiskeys

Black Ridge Bourbon
Black Ridge Special Reserve Port Barrel Bourbon
Stone Hammer Distiller's Reserve Bourbon
Two Stars Bourbon
Wolcott Kentucky Straight Bourbon
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What is a Cask Strength or Barrel Proof Bourbon?

Cask strength or barrel-proof bourbon is a bourbon that has not undergone dilution after the end of its aging process. Therefore, cask strength bourbon is unblemished cask-to-bottle whiskey that t...Read More

Ways To Make Your Whiskey Taste Better

There are several ways to enhance the flavor of your whiskey. First, consider using a whiskey glass with a tulip shape to concentrate the aroma. Allow the whiskey to breathe for a few minutes afte...Read More

Old Forester Bourbon 86 Proof Review

Old Forester Kentucky Kentucky Street Bourbon 86 Proof opens up with a very light caramel aroma. After the caramel aroma comes another mild note, oak. You can also sense a little bit of ethanol, ...Read More