
Jos. A. Magnus & Co.

Jos. A. Magnus & Co. is located in Holland, MI. The distillery website address is https://josephmagnus.com/


184 120th Avenue
Holland, MI 49424

Jos. A. Magnus & Co. Bourbons and Whiskeys

Cigar Blend Bourbon
Joseph Magnus Bourbon
Joseph Magnus Cigar Blend Bourbon
Joseph Magnus Murray Hill Club Bourbon
Murray Hill Club
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Midwest Grain Products (MGP) and Its Influence in the Bourbon and Whiskey World

It is well known within the whiskey community that many "distilleries" buy their whiskeys from the same source. This fact may come as a surprise to many new to the bourbon and rye world beca...Read More

The Difference Between Straight Bourbon and Bourbon Whiskey

What is the difference between Straight Bourbon Whiskey and Bourbon Whiskey? The difference is minimal. However, let's list some similarities before we get into the differences. Bourbon Whisk...Read More

Bardstown Discovery 5 is Smooth but Too Subtle

Bardstown Bourbon Discovery Series 5 is somewhat smooth for a 104.7 proof whiskey. Unfortunately, there isn't much unique about it. Its notes are subtle, but one would expect more from such a comp...Read More