
Kaikyo Distillery

Their parent company is Yonezawa Family Distilleries.

Kaikyo Distillery Bourbons and Whiskeys

Hatozaki Finest Japanese Whisky
Hatozaki Small Batch Whisky
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What are Wheated Bourbon and Wheat Whisky?

All whiskeys are made from a combination of grains which is known as a mash bill. What makes them different is the ratio of the different grains that go into the manufacturing and distilling of the fi...Read More

Ranking Old Forester Whiskeys. Which is the Best?

I am almost reluctant to provide a ranking of Old Forester whiskeys for fear of drawing too much attention to this fabulous line of bourbons. Old Forester produces such rich and high-quality whiskeys ...Read More

Barrell Bourbon Batch 33 Review. Yes!

Barrell Bourbon Batch 33 review. Barrell has upped their straight bourbon game, at least for my palate. Admittedly, I am a huge Barrell fan, but I have not been overly enthusiastic about Bar...Read More