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First Two Tastes of Elijah Craig Barrel Proof Batch B521

Taste #1: Great nose (caramel toffee) and color. Could be a little smoother but this is the first pour. Taste #2 of Elijah Craig Barrel Proof. It’s still not doing anything for me. Well, it d...Read More

Seven Things that Can Negatively Impact the Taste of Bourbon or Other Whiskeys

Bourbon enthusiasts and those new to the bourbon-tasting experience want to enjoy their whiskeys to the fullest. With that in mind, it is essential to understand what things can adversely influence bo...Read More

Ways To Make Your Whiskey Taste Better

There are several ways to enhance the flavor of your whiskey. First, consider using a whiskey glass with a tulip shape to concentrate the aroma. Allow the whiskey to breathe for a few minutes afte...Read More