
Painted Stave Distilling

Painted Stave Distilling is located in Smyrna, DE. The distillery website address is https://www.paintedstave.com/


106 W Commerce St.
Smyrna, DE 19977

Painted Stave Distilling Bourbons and Whiskeys

Painted Stave Bottled In Bond Bourbon Whiskey
Painted Stave Bottled In Bond Rye Whiskey
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How to Drink Bourbon So That You Enjoy It

I can’t tell you how often I have shared bourbon with friends only to have them respond, "That is too hot," or, they will say, “I only taste the alcohol." Unfortunately...Read More

What Gives Bourbon Its Oily, Buttery, or Creamy Texture?

If you are a neat-drinking bourbon enthusiast, you may have noticed that some bourbons have an oily texture. This is not a quality that all bourbons possess, but it is a highly sought-after trait...Read More

Castle & Key Small Batch Straight Bourbon Quick Review

With Castle & Key Small Batch Straight Bourbon, the nose opens up very light sweet honey and fresh fruit (green apple), and then the oak takes over. It is a light oak that does not last very long....Read More