
Rare Hare Spirits

The distillery website address is https://www.rareharespirits.com/

Rare Hare Spirits Bourbons and Whiskeys

Playboy Spirits Rare Hare 1953 Bourbon
Playboy Spirits Rare Hare Lucky Bastard 30 Year Canadian Whiskey
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What Does Bottled-in-Bond Mean as it Relates to Bourbon?

When shopping for spirits, it is difficult to know what is quality bourbon. One way to narrow the field is to look for the designation "Bottled-in-Bond" on the label. Unlike the typical w...Read More

Characteristics of a Bourbon Enthusiast. Who are these Lovers of Bourbon?

Bourbon, America’s native whiskey, has enjoyed a surge in popularity over the last few decades. Primarily a product of Kentucky, bourbon has become so popular that there are even undergraduate a...Read More

Quick Thoughts on Stellum Black Bourbon. Wow!

OMG! Stellum Black Bourbon is incredible. Do not get this confused with the Stellum Bourbon blue label. While the blue label is good, the black label takes Stellum to another level. It's worth the...Read More