
Templeton Distillery

Templeton Distillery is built on the shared experiences of our community. The roots of whiskey in our town can be traced back along family lines to the bootleggers of Prohibition.

Templeton Distillery is located in Templeton, IA. Their parent company is Infinium Spirits. The distillery website address is https://templetondistillery.com/


209 S Rye Avenue
Templeton, IA 51463

Templeton Distillery Bourbons and Whiskeys

Templeton Rye 10 Year Whiskey
Templeton Rye 4 Year Whiskey
Templeton Rye 6 Year Whiskey
Templeton Rye Barrel Strength Whiskey
Templeton Rye Master Distiller's Release
Templeton Rye Oloroso Sherry Cask Finish
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What is Craft Distilling?

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