
High N' Wicked Aeneas Coffey Review

Review by Mark Pringle |
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84 Highly Rated Bourbon General Review of High N' Wicked Aeneas Coffey, Batch No. 4

These days, I very rarely buy impromptu because I prefer to spend my money wisely. However, I purchased High N' Wicked No. 4 Aeneas Coffey Single Grain Irish Whiskey on a whim, and it's a winner. I took this leap of faith because I had great success with my previous High N' Wicked purchase of "The Judge," which soon became one of my favorite pours. 

High N' Wicked Aeneas Coffey Review

High N' Wicked Aeneas Coffey Review


This 100-proof single-grain Irish whiskey from County Cork, Ireland, stands out for its unique double-cask maturation process. It was first matured in ex-bourbon barrels, then finished for 6 months in Tinta Negra Caste Extra Sweet Madeira Casks, a method that adds a distinct sweetness and depth to its flavor profile.

Tinta Negra Caste Extra Sweet Madeira Casks 

Tinta Negra Caste Extra Sweet Madeira Casks are known for imparting a unique sweetness and depth to Madeira wine's aging process. These casks contribute rich flavors and aromas that enhance the wine's overall profile, making it a popular choice among enthusiasts seeking a sweeter and more complex tasting experience. The use of these casks showcases winemakers' artistry and expertise in creating distinctive and memorable Madeira wines.


The nose of High N' Wicked No. 4 Aeneas Coffey features ample golden raisins and grain. It is very fruity with mild molasses notes, apricots, and luscious buttery richness.


The palate is sweet, with honey, caramel, raisins, and the typical grainy Irish Whiskey core. My only criticism is that it may be too sweet for some.

This is tasty.

Author: Mark Pringle
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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