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What Is the Difference Between Bourbon, Scotch, and Whiskey?

Often individuals are perplexed by the distinctions between Bourbon, Scotch, and whiskey when it comes to spirits. Although there are some similarities between Scotch, Bourbon, and whiskey, each has d...Read More

Stagg Jr. Batches, Release Dates, and Proofs

Buffalo Trace Distillery's Stagg Jr. is one of the market's most popular and often allocated bourbons. This bold, uncut, and unfiltered whiskey is made from Buffalo Trace's secretive Mash ...Read More

Old Ezra 7 is Good: A Spicy Rich Nose and Palate

This first pour of Lux Row Distillers' Old Ezra 7 is good. It has a rich nose and palate. Spicy, spicy, spicy, sweet, and rich traditional palate. It certainly drinks its 117 proof, so it’s ...Read More