
Blue Run 13 Year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Review

Tasting Notes & Ratings

Expert Rating: 92Highly Rated Bourbon Ratings Key

Blue Run 13 Year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Photo

Distillery Tasting Notes

Made by Blue Run Spirits

NOSE: Vanilla on a sultry summer evening with the mildest hint of tarragon. TASTE: A velvety romance between brown sugar and brown butter. FINISH: Long and smooth, with apricot and golden raisins. Decadent brown sugar sweetness with a rich wrap of creamy vanilla and honeyed fruit notes, offering soft oak and a nutty frame that reveals itself around baking spices and cocoa.

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Proof: 113
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 56.5%
Aged: 13 years
Mash Bill: Undisclosed
Retail (MSRP): $169.99

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Ratings Key

Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.

  • 90-100 Exceptional
  • 80-89 Very Good
  • 70-79 Average
  • 60-69 Below Average
  • 50-60 Drain Pour
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