
64% Corn, 24% Wheat, and 12% Malted Barley Mash Bill Whiskeys

These are popular whiskeys with mash bill of 64% Corn, 24% Wheat, and 12% Malted Barley.

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The Difference Between Straight Bourbon and Bourbon Whiskey

What is the difference between Straight Bourbon Whiskey and Bourbon Whiskey? The difference is minimal. However, let's list some similarities before we get into the differences. Bourbon Whisk...Read More

What Gives Bourbon Its Oily, Buttery, or Creamy Texture?

If you are a neat-drinking bourbon enthusiast, you may have noticed that some bourbons have an oily texture. This is not a quality that all bourbons possess, but it is a highly sought-after trait...Read More

Bardstown Bourbon Company Discovery Series #8 Review

I will start by saying that Bardstown Bourbon Company Discovery Series #8 is incredible and one of my favorite whiskeys of 2023. Interestingly, the first and last Bardstown Discovery I had before this...Read More