
Devils River Single Barrel Bourbon Review

Tasting Notes & Ratings

Expert Rating: TBD

Devils River Single Barrel Bourbon Photo

Distillery Tasting Notes

Made by Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits

By sourcing only the best Texas grains to create our mash bill, every barrel of Devils River Single Barrel Bourbon is one of a kind.

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Proof: 130
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 65%
Aged: 2 years
Mash Bill: Undisclosed
Retail (MSRP): Provide this info

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Reviews by the People of Devils River Single Barrel Bourbon

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Ratings Key

Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.

  • 90-100 Exceptional
  • 80-89 Very Good
  • 70-79 Average
  • 60-69 Below Average
  • 50-60 Drain Pour
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