James E. Pepper Distilling Co. is located in Lexington, KY. Their parent company is James E. Pepper Distilling Co. LLC. The distillery website address is https://jamesepepper.com/
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The life of a bourbon lover is first and foremost enjoyable. The entire process of anticipating, nosing, and tasting this wonderful golden fluid is an adventure to which enthusiasts await. We are in &...Read More
Buffalo Trace Distillery's Stagg (formerly Stagg Jr.) is one of the market's most popular and often allocated bourbons. This bold, uncut, and unfiltered whiskey is made from Buffalo Trace'...Read More
This is a review of Redwood Empire Rocket Top Straight Rye Whiskey batch 002. Batch 2 is a 100-proof Bottled-in-Bond rye with a mash bill of 87% rye, 5% wheat, 5% malted barley, and 3% corn. ...Read More