
Wolf Moon

Wolf Moon is located in Jersey City, NJ. Their parent company is Proximo Spirits. The distillery website address is https://wolfmoonbourbon.com/

Wolf Moon Bourbons and Whiskeys

Wolf Moon Bourbon
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What is Craft Distilling?

There has been a lot of controversy concerning the definition of the term craft distilling. But in simple terms, it means a small establishment that makes different spirits or alcohol in relative...Read More

Five Things All Bourbon Enthusiasts Should Do to Stay Healthy

Are you an avid bourbon enthusiast who frequently drinks? If so, there are a few things you should routinely do to stay healthy while enjoying your bourbon lifestyle. I love to drink moderatel...Read More

Old Ezra 7 is Good: A Spicy Rich Nose and Palate

This first pour of Lux Row Distillers' Old Ezra 7 is good. It has a rich nose and palate. Spicy, spicy, spicy, sweet, and rich traditional palate. It certainly drinks its 117 proof, so it’s ...Read More