Made by Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc. ~ Heaven Hill Distillery
Color: Bright gold. Aroma: Caramel with hints of vanilla, oak, and barley. Taste: Citrus on top of vanilla, and black pepper. Finish: Warm, long, dry.
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There are many ways to drink bourbon, and there may be no one way that is “the best,” considering everyone has a personal preference. With that in mind, what are the standard and most popu...Read More
There are several ways to enhance the flavor of your whiskey. First, consider using a whiskey glass with a tulip shape to concentrate the aroma. Allow the whiskey to breathe for a few minutes afte...Read More
The nose of Noble Oak Double Oak Bourbon finished with sherry oak staves, is very light and airy with traditional bourbon notes combined with sweet raisins, dried fruits, and oak mixture on the nose. ...Read More