Made by Beam Suntory, Inc. ~ James B. Beam Distilling Co. (Jim Beam)
Cinnamon, brown sugar and rye heat.
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Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.
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What are the top 10 most popular bourbon brands? This article will explore the answer to the question. First, we need to establish how "popularity" is defined in this article. Popularity doe...Read More
Shaylyn Gammon joined Blue Run Spirits as Whiskey Director on February 10, 2022. She came to the pandemic start-up whiskey company from Campari Group, where she led innovation projects on brands such ...Read More
I looked forward to reviewing High West's A Midwinter Night’s Dram Act 10 Scene 3. Last season I missed out on the fervor, and it haunted me all year. Will this rye live up to the hype? Let&...Read More