
Barrell Bourbon Batch 26 Quick Review

Review by Mark Pringle |
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82 Highly Rated Bourbon General Review of Barrell Bourbon Batch 26

The nose of Barrell Bourbon Batch 26 starts off with mild ethanol. That is all I am getting on the nose initially. This palate is a little different on the nose than most Barrell products in that as the bourbon sits in the glass, more oak reveals itself. With Barrell products, sweetness, often in the form of creamy caramel, comes to the forefront of the palate the longer the bottle is open. This experience is different. Now, if you let the bourbon sit in the glass, the nose becomes a bit sweeter, and you can discern the caramel, but it is still mild.

As you would expect with a nine-year Bourbon, the oak is present on the palate too. There is a spicy oak flavor combined with a sweetness hiding below the spice. However, the main profile is a moderate oak on the front and a spicy kick in the back of the throat. Barrell Bourbon Batch 26 does not have the level of complexity or richness that I am used to with Barrell products.

The spice lingers longer in the mouth than it does in the esophagus. This experience is a different type of finish.

Author: Mark Pringle
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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