Made by The Bardstown Bourbon Company, LLC ~ Bardstown Bourbon Company
Baked apples with toffee, walnut, and cinnamon lead to luscious maple with vibrant spice. Our richest Fusion blend to date unfolds with a signature smooth finish.
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“Rye whiskey” and “rye bourbon” are terms that often confuse people who are new to the whiskey world. A common misperception is that the two terms are synonymous. While both ry...Read More
There are many ways to drink bourbon, and there may be no one way that is “the best,” considering everyone has a personal preference. With that in mind, what are the standard and most popu...Read More
Basil Haden Toast Bourbon review. The nose is a very mild toasted char with traditional caramel and vanilla bourbon notes that are mild as well. There is a very mild ethanol smell even at only 80 proo...Read More