Second Sight Spirits is located in Ludlow, KY. Their parent company is Second Sight Spirits, LLC. The distillery website address is
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The Nose Initially, the aroma easily goes to Barrell 7 Year Single Barrel Rye. It is a sweet, decadent, candy-spice bomb. Barrell starts as a more complex experience than Old Forester...Read More
Buffalo Trace Distillery's Stagg (formerly Stagg Jr.) is one of the market's most popular and often allocated bourbons. This bold, uncut, and unfiltered whiskey is made from Buffalo Trace'...Read More
Woodinville 100% Rye Whiskey Private Select Single Barrel is a bad boy on this initial pour. Full of Flavor and character from the nose to the finish. Let's look at some specifics of this Local Vi...Read More